[b-hebrew] Numbers 16:21
Mike Burke
11 years ago
Is it truethat two different words in the Hebrew are rendered congregation in this verse (and Num. 16:19), and that this could indicate that the congregation that followed the summons of Korah to the tabernacle may have been much smaller than that of all Israel?

The only word for "congregation" that I see is  עדה.

Michael Gerard Burke
Donald Vance
11 years ago
There is only עדה.

Donald R Vance

Sent from my iPhone
Is it true that two different words in the Hebrew are rendered congregation in this verse (and Num. 16:19), and that this could indicate that the congregation that followed the summons of Korah to the tabernacle may have been much smaller than that of all Israel?
The only word for "congregation" that I see is עדה.
Michael Gerard Burke
b-hebrew mailing list
Yigal Levin
11 years ago
True, but in 16:19 the word appears twice. Maybe that's what confused Michael.

Yigal Levin

From: b-hebrew-***@lists.ibiblio.org [mailto:b-hebrew-***@lists.ibiblio.org] On Behalf Of Donald Vance
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2013 8:37 AM
To: Mike Burke
Cc: b-***@lists.ibiblio.org
Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Numbers 16:21

There is only עדה.

Donald R Vance

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2013, at 10:43 PM, Mike Burke <***@yahoo.com> wrote:

Is it true that two different words in the Hebrew are rendered congregation in this verse (and Num. 16:19), and that this could indicate that the congregation that followed the summons of Korah to the tabernacle may have been much smaller than that of all Israel?

The only word for "congregation" that I see is עדה.

Michael Gerard Burke
Donald Vance
11 years ago
Yes it does. Sorry I didn't make that clear.

Donald R. Vance

Sent from my iPhone
Rev. Bryant J. Williams III
11 years ago

There are two Hebrew words that normally translated "congregation." QAHAL and `EDAH." What is interesting is that the two words are translated in the LXX by several different words, of which, two are primary.

1. QAHAL (assembly) is normally translated in the LXX by EKKLHSIA (assembly; Church [unfortunately, this latter word has lead to horrible theology: there was NO CHURCH in the OT. Don't go there.] ) in the majority of instances, but also by OCHLOS (crowd) and PHLTHOS (multitude). What is striking is that in Genesis, Leviticus, Numbers and Ezekiel 32:23 QAHAL is translated by SYNAGOGH.

2. `EDAH is normally translated by SYNAGOGH (congregation; transliterated into English as Synagoge). Of the 225 times in the LXX SYNAGOGH is word used, but there are 34 times that has no Hebrew equivalent.

Rev. Bryant J. Williams III
Isaac Fried
11 years ago
The word עדה EDAH, 'congtegation', of the uni-literal root D,
appears to be a variant of עוד OD, 'more', and of עו֌ז UZ,
'collect', as in Ex. 9:19. Also of
עדד, עזז, עסס, ע׊ץ, עשש
and also of
אד, אז, אט, אץ, אש, את

The tri-literal root קהל QHL is a variant of
גחל, *חגל, חקל, כחל

It also resembles LHQ להק of LHAQAH, 'group', as in 1Sam. 19:20.

Isaac Fried, Boston University
Donald Vance
11 years ago
QHL (קהל) as a noun does not occur here, only עדה. The H stem of the root קהל occurs in 16:19. None of this negates what Bryant said.

Donald R Vance

Sent from my iPhone
Rev. Bryant J. Williams III
11 years ago
Dear Donald,

I know that. I gave the information for QAHAL and `EDAH for the benefit of all.

Rev. Bryant J. Williams III
Chavoux Luyt
11 years ago
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 11:34:07 -0400
Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Numbers 16:21
The word עדה EDAH, 'congtegation', of the uni-literal root D, appears to
be a variant of עוד OD, 'more', and of עו֌ז UZ, 'collect', as in Ex. 9:19.
Also of
עדד, עזז, עסס, ע׊ץ, עשש
and also of
אד, אז, אט, אץ, אש, את
Hmmm, I always assumed it was rather related to עד ED (witness) rather
than עוד OD... :-); being a collection of witnesses to an important event
or message.

Chavoux Luyt

Isaac Fried
11 years ago
A witness (related to wit and video, German: wissen) means in English
a person who saw something and knows about it. To what manifestation
of his act the Hebrew appellation ED refers, we may only guess.
Possibly to ADAD, and possibly to OD.

Isaac Fried, Boson university